The school directory is available through DirectorySpot. The District 36 Central PTO provides the Directory to all District 36 parents. (You can print directory pages from the app.)
To further unify our schools, there will be only ONE school directory on Directory Spot containing information for all schools.
Anyone wishing to opt out of the school directory or to make changes should email the District 36 Central PTO. Click here for Directory Spot info from the Central PTO.
Hubbard Woods Families receive information about access in mid September for each school year.
Directory Spot Helpful Tips
- If you would like to print the directory (you can print class, families and individual school lists ), please click here for instructions.
- The calendar tab across the bottom of your mobile screen displays the district calendar.
- On the teacher tab, you will notice each teacher is identified with a CI, HW or GR before their name, allowing you to distinguish between the schools.
- On the Families tab you will notice each family name is followed by either CI, GR, HW or CI/GR, CI/HW. This lets you know which school(s) the students in that family attend.
- On the family tab you will notice that the individual schools are listed at the top. This contains the main school number and the nurse’s number as well as a link to the PTO website.
- The School Info tab across the bottom of your mobile screen contains a link to the dynamic individual school calendars displayed on our district website that automatically update
Techie Trick
Did you know you can text directly from a student’s listing?
Simply hold your finger on the number until the menu pops up and select send message.