Before purchasing supplies for your committee please check the following locations as we may already have what you need! Also, in keeping with the school’s Green Initiatives, please try to use recyclable and reusable products when possible. The environmental committee chair is a wonderful resource for ideas (and help!) in this area. For instance, in past years this person has worked closely with the Mayfest team to implement a number of sustainability initiatives.
PTO Closet
The PTO closet is located in the auditorium’s northeast set of closets. Here you will find paper goods and plastic ware: napkins, plates, cups, utensils, bottled water, etc. If you use the PTO closet, please help us keep it organized and try to label things for future use. We happily accept donations from parents.
Accessed by the stairs in the west wing near the Kindergarten rooms. Please consult with the custodial staff before accessing this area, as things do move over time. Here you should find:
- Mayfest games and supplies
- Hubbard Woods back-to-school yard signs
- Leftover decorations from parent parties
The custodian will retrieve and hang various committee banners including World Travelers, Teacher Appreciation, Bookfair, Grand Challenge and Mayfest. Please be sure to give enough advance notice to the custodial staff, whom you will find to be exceedingly helpful.